Year of the Rabbit: Can you relate?
We’re currently in the year of the Rabbit, an earth sign that also represents a cautious and intellectual nature. It symbolizes empathy. In one Buddhist story, a child and old man were lost in the wilderness. The Buddha sees this, takes the form of a rabbit, creates a fire, then hops into the flames, sacrificing itself to feed the two travelers.
Now as we all know, there is very little good without some bad mixed in, and the Rabbit is no exception. They can walk on the edge of hedonism and have a darker side.
In fact, Lee Harvey Oswald joins Wang Qiang (a Chinese serial killer), P.W Botha, and Augusto Pinochet in being on the nefarious side of the Rabbit.
As Shaina says… “The zodiac is an ancient yet interesting tradition which has easy ‘rabbit holes’ to fall down”
What do you think?