On ARG’s

One question we get often (because we discuss them so frequently-) What are ARG’s exactly?

An Internet ARG, or Alternate Reality Game, is an interactive narrative or puzzle-solving experience that takes place across various media platforms and the real world. ARGs are designed to engage participants in a collaborative and immersive storytelling experience, blurring the lines between fiction and reality. Here are some key characteristics of Internet ARGs:

  1. Multimedia Storytelling: ARGs often unfold across different media, including websites, social media platforms, emails, phone calls, videos, and physical locations. Participants must piece together information from various sources to understand the narrative.

  2. Real-time Interaction: ARGs typically unfold in real time, with the narrative progressing based on the actions and decisions of the participants. This real-time element adds a sense of urgency and immediacy to the experience.

  3. Puzzle-solving and Challenges: Participants in ARGs are often required to solve puzzles, crack codes, or decipher hidden messages. These challenges can be presented in a variety of forms, ranging from online riddles to real-world tasks.

  4. Community Collaboration: ARGs encourage collaboration among participants. Solving complex puzzles often requires a collective effort, fostering a sense of community among players who share information and insights.

  5. Role-Playing and Immersion: Participants may be encouraged to assume specific roles or personas within the game, blurring the boundaries between the fictional narrative and the real world. This immersion enhances the overall experience.

  6. Unfolding Narrative: The storyline of an ARG evolves over time, with new plot elements and challenges introduced periodically. This ongoing narrative keeps participants engaged and invested in the unfolding story.

  7. Mystery and Suspense: ARGs often involve mysterious and suspenseful narratives, with elements of the unknown and unexpected. This sense of mystery is designed to captivate and intrigue participants.

  8. Marketing and Promotion: While some ARGs are purely for entertainment, others are used as marketing tools for promoting movies, video games, or other products. They serve as an innovative way to engage an audience and generate interest.

One notable example of an Internet ARG is the "I Love Bees" campaign, which was a marketing effort for the video game "Halo 2." Participants engaged in a complex narrative involving websites, phone calls, and real-world events to uncover the storyline.

It's important to note that participation in ARGs is voluntary, and players are usually aware that they are engaging in a fictional experience. The line between reality and the game is intentionally blurred to enhance the immersive nature of the storytelling.

We recently did an episode on Liminal Land which you should totally check out. For extra credit, also check out some of our favorites including “Don’t hug me I’m scared" “The Sun Vanished” “Kraina Grzybów TV” and “Local 58.”


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